Attendance is limited! Get yer tickets for the show!

We wanted to go to a cool ass night market, so we made one...

Lunar Faire is a pop-up night market that celebrates ambiance, the strange and unusual, the moon obviously, and all the weird things people make and do. 

The vibe


Entertainments for all ages

Potions Lab

Fire dancing

Drag Show

Fortunes told

Mermaid Encounter

Crystal charging station


Group spellmaking

The Lunar Queene

Crowd medium reading

The best vendors around

A whole witch coven
Musics and beats

Best Faire Friend finder

Magickal Matchmaking

Flute Wizard


Stilts and aerials

Fairy hair and face paint


Magical Book Exchange

Things that glow

Drums, possibly in a circle

Cool people like you

Cool people unlike you

Attendance is limited! Get yer tickets for the show!

Any other questions?


Have fun!

Be kind!

Indulge your weirdness

Learn things from a witch

Watch your step, it’s dark


Be an a-hole

Lose your children

Help strangers load couches into vans

Give people Covid

Stop believing

What is this? What's a night market? If a night market is what I think it is, then why?

Ok this is a very practical question and I have a practical answer and a lyrical answer that I'll separate by paragraphs for easy navigation.

A night market is a market held at night.

Lunar Faire, an immersive event, is a weird and witchy shopping and social experience, just as advertised. But also it's an entire universe more. It is a nomadic and surprising and exciting adventure in performance art that is as much influenced by the crowd of attendees who participate as the artists and makers who help us bring oddball wares, curious crafts, intuitive services, esoteric arts, and exciting performances to the magickal venue designated under the auspices of the universe as the most perfect moment and location for all to gather under collectively as Lunar Faire!

Bi-monthly means every two months.

Thank you that is not a question but is a statement I am prepared to address. I appreciate your concern but bi-monthly ALSO means twice monthly. It's a very misleading homonym! And I chose to use it because that's the kind of gentle chaos we're bringing into your world. Thank you for sharing this grammatical moment of concern with me.

I want to go but my friends are normies.
Do I go alone? Help!

Though normies are totally welcome, we get it. And sometimes it's scary to go somewhere alone. Rest assured, though, lot's of people go to Lunar Faire alone! There's an instagram post about it here. The community is warm, approachable, compassionate, empathetic, and caring. You could walk up to most people and start a conversation and maybe leave with a new friend. And all vendors are happy to engage with you if you have questions or insecurities or just want to chat. We encourage you to use Lunar Faire to find your people and your way and, who knows, maybe even your purpose! 

How should I dress?

The rule of thumb has always been to dress according to how best to get fired from your job. Seriously though, the costumes are getting better and better, so take your luminescent and witchy garb adornments extremely seriously. And pack light technicolor outerwear in case it gets chilly.

But do people actually dress up for the themes tho?

Half the people who ask this are concerned they have to dress up. The other half are scared they're going to be the only ones in finely crafted fits with drip so detailed they shame the most renowned creators of couture. Our faire fashion is a spectrum so evenly stippled no one person will feel over or underdressed. You can truly come as you feel most comfortable, be it jeans and a t-shirt or a full furry suit.

Are you as weird and/or witchy as you say?

Probably not. No wait, yes, definitely. Reply hazy, try again later.

Where is it?

Everywhere! Ok not quite yet. But soon! And then the moon itself! (Just kidding I couldn't spend that amount of time with billionaires without a guillotine.) Moving on, this event began in North Jersey and has been travelling to venues across the top of the state ever since. And now we're moving into Central and South Jersey! We post event locations as soon as we finalize our site schedule, that's why sometimes it says "TBA." The best way to stay in the know is to follow/favorite us on social media, turn on post notifications, and join our email list at the bottom of the page!

I have land! Can I host you?

YESSSS!!! We are always looking for venues. The bigger the better! Please stop reading and contact us right away! 

I have a million questions about vending!

Cool, head here!

What if it rains?

If the rain catches the faire unawares, then someone failed to properly control the weather and you may decide to stay homebound and cry like the sky. Alternatively, you can exuberate in the audacious expression of the water element with the rest of the Lunartics! Put on widow-grade mascara, ponchify, unshoe yourself, and don't miss the extra special aqueous adventure! What else are you doing anyway?

(That means events are rain or shine!)

What if it snows?

Uhhh good question. I think we'll have to make that call based on the venue itself and the snow situation we're expecting. If it snows while we're all there, how fucking cool is that!? But no one is gonna plow a field so we can flounce about, probably, so I guess the answer is idfk.

Will you refund my ticket if I won't go?

This event, like almost every event in the history of events, is non-refundable. It's just one of those things. Life is full of risks. This inexpensive ticket is one of them. Please don't ask me to refund your ticket because you scheduled poorly, or it's raining, or you simply don't feel like going, or it's a longer drive than you wanted to make and now you're destination oriented instead of adventure oriented, or it's the day-of and you decided to flake on yourself, or the friend of a friend who was driving everyone became Born Again over the weekend. Actually, I take that back. If you write something that makes me laugh, or is a compelling exploration of the societal benefits of anarchism, I'll consider a refund. Those are my terms.

What will happen to me if I’m not a witch or weird enough?

The feud between witches and normies has all been a hilarious misunderstanding. You can get as close to the camp fire as you want. If you can’t let it go, though, feel free to take a diagnostic reading on the weird-o-meter. I feel like you might register higher than anticipated.

Should I bring my children?

Depends how feral they are. If they are at least mildly civilized they’ll be thoroughly entertained and will remain undevoured.

Are kids free?

So you decided to take the plunge and make a new generation of cool kids. Nice. 10 and under are free (except some special events).

I've heard this is wholesome. But is it?

As you can see from the above questions, people proudly bring their children. Without getting into a philosophical argument about subjectivity and moral outrage, this is generally a wholesome and safe event. People are friendly, loving, inclusive and peaceful. But it isn't sanitized. The map might say "Long-Ass Road" and our schedule includes active and participatory spellwork and we do not censor adult vendor products (though most are not overt) and we sell a drink that looks like blood in a bag. But it's non-alcoholic. And while there is absolutely nothing inherently dangerous to encounter, we're likely always going to walk a line of "propriety." And maybe, as a result, pioneer a whole new unapologetic version of wholesome.

Can I bring my pets? What if I call them familiars?

Fuck no. And also a very cutesy no. But still no. You have no idea how many people want to bring their pets. Even if we pretended it wouldn't be mayhem. Even if the venue allowed it (almost all don't). We urge you to blame insurance companies for this devastating prohibition and send your hexes in their direction. Service animals, exclusively, are permitted.

I hate when events don't allow pets and demand you further explain yourself.

Another non-question that I'm happy to expand upon. While I know for a fact that you are the world's greatest pet owner and exert Germanic control over your impeccably-mannered pet, I know that YOU know other pet owners are inferior to you. Your compliance as a transcendant pet owner is critical so the heedless owners will refrain from toting their bestial besties. We also have non-profit animal booths who occasionally bring approved animals that do not expect to be approached by an animal. Please just everyone simply listen to this plea and don't bring them I am begging you. In addition to animals misbehaving within the faire (has occurred), some fairegoers are afraid of animals and they deserve this space to be safe for them. Also, insurance, as mentioned above. This HAS to be enough reason for you to leave your pet home.

Can I smoke or vape?

When we are on state/municipal/federal land they usually have no smoking policies. Please don't vape on public property, save it for the farms.

Are vampires real?

Someone's drinking all the blood bags.

Is there alcohol?

In the world? Yes. Provided and sold by us? No because I don’t need that kind of paperwork in my life. Some locations allow you to bring your own alcohol, some don't.

Can I photograph your event?

We drag iconic five-foot letters and hypnotic neon wings around New Jersey for a fucking reason. But if it isn't just for the gram, I assume you are a professional asking. Since it's a more or less a public space, standard public photography rules apply. We aren't trying to be douchey about harboring iterant visual access to the stunningly aesthetic optical adventure Lunar Faire can be. If you are not our paid photographer, you will need permission to post identifiable images of individuals. Def don't be creepy or invasive of peoples' space. Let them enjoy their moments. Consent is always key: ask if you can photograph people! Also, as a courtesy, we ask you to share event photos with us so we can post with or without credit (your choice). You can send photo links to
info @

Are faires friendly to the differently abled?

We wouldn't be who we are if we didn't celebrate every kind of person. Inclusivity is a major priority for us. If you know about our history, however, we aren't welcome everywhere. We sort of have to take the venues we can get. So, unfortunately, not every venue can accommodate every ability level. We have accessible parking at every venue (notify attendants upon arrival) and if we're at fairgrounds or an airfield, you're probably going to be on solid, flat ground. It's never a guarantee. Sometimes the ground is sloped or uneven, sometimes there are long distances to cross, sometimes it's muddy, sometimes it's complicated, ALWAYS it's dark. Until we have our own venue, that's the best we can do. If you have specific needs or questions, we're always happy to answer through our contact page or socials (not on faire day though)!

What's your position on sustainability?

Pro! We aren't fully sustainable yet but we sure want to be! Give us a minute. In the meantime, feel free to bring reusable items (cups, bottles, shopping bags, etc.)

What's your position on everything else?

That's a loaded question. But generally we are into the idea that love is the driving force keeping humanity from imploding in on itself so clearly we need more of it because we, as a people, are sort of imploding in on ourselves. So, at its purest, Lunar Faire is living art and an expression of the shared passions of the people who run it and attend it. 

And: Don't be an asshole (should be more toward the top probably).

I am a customer with an issue and I have historically been told I'm always supposed to be right. Why are you being mean?

Great question! I'm not! I'm maybe reframing your issue in a way where you may not necessarily, unequivocally, or even remotely be right. That's ok! A lot of times everyone forgets that we aren't just customers and corporations battling around trying to get more out of each other. We're humans on earth literally just doing a bunch of bullshit. We're trying to help you do fun bullshit with a little chaos mixed in. Like the faire itself, sometimes the Lunar Faire journey is not packaged the way you expect it to be. Take a fool's leap, ditch any entitlement, and be here for the ride! Or go to a more chill market man there's plenty of non-chaos out there.

What can I bring?

Attendance is limited! Get yer tickets for the show!